The DERiVE project will enable the investigation of riboflavin-health relationships in persons living with different genetic and cultural backgrounds, different nutritional circumstances and different approaches to food fortification and/or enrichment with riboflavin.
National Adult Nutrition Survey
The National Adult Nutrition Survey (NANS) 2008 – 2010 was a nationally representative survey conducted in the Republic of Ireland, involving 1500 participants aged 18 years and over. The survey was carried out by the Irish Universities Nutrition Alliance (IUNA), a formal alliance of academic nutrition centres across Ireland including University College Dublin, Cork Institute of Technology, Dublin Institute of Technology and Ulster University in Coleraine. In addition to detailed information on food consumption, data was also collected on lifestyle habits, including physical activity, attitudes to food and health, and factors influencing food choice. Physical measurements such as weight, height and body fat were also taken along with blood pressure measurement. Blood and urine samples were collected for analysis of nutrition and metabolic indicators. The Irish team will select 1127 participants from the NANS who provided a blood sample for the DERiVE project.
BC Generations Project
The BC Generations Project (BCGP) is British Columbia’s largest-ever health study. The Project follows a cohort of nearly 30,000 BC participants who volunteer their health information and biological samples to help researchers learn more about how environment, lifestyle and genes contribute to cancer and other chronic diseases. The DERiVE project with the contribution of Prof. John Spinelli, a lead investigator of the BCGP and co-investigator of DERiVE, will include data and biospecimen of 1200 BCGP participants.
Ulster Randomized Controlled Trials
The team around Prof. Mary Ward, lead-PI and coordinator of the DERiVE project at Ulster University, has access to data and biospecimen of completed, randomized placebo-controlled trials (RCTs) investigating the efficacy of riboflavin supplementation in adults in Northern Ireland. For the purpose of the DERiVE project, data from 537 male and female participants from four previously conducted RTCs will be included.